An engagement in favor of children in Bethlehem

Our objective: To ease the traumatic consequences of violence and the lack of respect affecting the children of this region of the world.


Teaching the psychomotor approach at educational institutions

Cultural identity

Support initiatives to strengthen the awareness of the specific local identity



Public sensitization in Switzerland and Palestine to the issues of education and identity



Synergy of activities for durable results



“The Association’s objective is to help needy children in the Bethlehem area with all the available legal, financial and material means, namely by engaging and training specialized personnel in childcare.”


Our history


In 2005, a group of Swiss pilgrims were puzzled to find many children who were orphans or abandoned at a nursery in Bethlehem. They spontaneously wanted to help the needy children, and soon our Association was born. After several years, we found that the nursery no longer needed our financial help, but that there was a strong need for a much broader educational project to help children in the region. So, the Association opened to inspiring activities in other institutions. An analysis showed a high potential for the psychomotor approach and for the use of innovating games. Recognizing the need for a local cultural identity made us create, with the active participation of children, the illustrated book “Une histoire de chez moi” (A story of my land, published in French and Arab language).


Years of presence on location



Association based in Switzerland

Created under Swiss law. It counts more than 1000 members, with four to six board members.


No political or religious orientation or priority

Tolerance. Cooperation. Dynamism.

In Bethlehem

 Local team of five members

Fundraising and cultural events

The Association organizes a large range of cultural, informative and fund-raising events and sales, and gratefully accepts donations and legacies.

We periodically inform our members and whoever else is interested in the situation of children in the Bethlehem region and our activities on location, by means of circular-letters and a multi-lingual website.